Gilmore | Davis Strategy Group is a full-service lobbying and consulting firm specializing in political strategy, government relations, opinion research and communications, including public relations and media training.
We have more than a decade's worth of experience at every level of politics and government, from the halls of Congress to the State Capitol. Our consultants have been key members of strategic teams for Governors, Senators, Congressmen, national political organizations, corporations, non-profits and major league sports teams.

Gilmore | Davis offers the right mix of government experience and political strategy to advise your team on the structure of government, policy and the complex world of bureaucracy.

Whether it's for a campaign or corporation, Gilmore | Davis Strategy Group specializes in media relations and are experts in driving your message in today's busy media environment.

Gilmore | Davis Strategy Group has worked at every level of a campaign's infrastructure and has the expertise to help you craft an overall strategy for victory..